
For thousands of years acupuncture has been used to re-balance the total energy system of animals’ bodies to facilitate health and healing. It effectively treats many varied conditions such as arthritis, disc disease, nerve pain, kidney failure, liver failure, cancer, and heart disease to name a few. Acupuncture affects every major system of the body, … Read moreAcupuncture

Pet Acupuncture

At the Integrative Veterinary Center of Richmond, we offer acupuncture for your pets. For thousands of years, acupuncture has been used to re-balance the total energy system of animals’ bodies to facilitate health and healing. It effectively treats many conditions, such as arthritis, disc disease, nerve pain, kidney failure, liver failure, cancer, and heart disease. … Read morePet Acupuncture

Spinal Manipulations & Chiropractic Care


What is spinal manipulation? What is pet chiropractic care? Is there a difference? Technically, the term ‘chiropractic’ can only be applied to humans. Thus, ‘chiropractic care’ does not technically exist within veterinary medicine. However, while the term may not technically be approved, the art of chiropractic care is alive and well within veterinary medicine.  To … Read moreSpinal Manipulations & Chiropractic Care

Physical Rehabilitation


We have specific tools to help your pet recover from an operation or injury. We are pleased to provide individualized rehabilitation therapy, such as massage and exercise ball therapy. These techniques can help your pet recover at its own pace while being closely monitored by our veterinary team, which has received specialized rehabilitation therapy training … Read morePhysical Rehabilitation