Vitamin C Therapy

From Antioxidant to Oxidant

We all know that vitamin C is a very potent and effective antioxidant, but did you know that when given at high doses, vitamin C goes from being an antioxidant to an oxidant? It’s true—vitamin C works selectively as an oxidant and can be used in treating many types of cancer and other conditions. Vitamin C becomes a highly effective oxidant in treating various conditions at levels that can only be achieved by providing a pure form of Vitamin C in an IV drip.

At these very high concentrations, vitamin C forms a hydroxyl radical (an oxidant), which healthy cells can break down with catalase. Cancer cells and other “stressed” cells do not have this catalase and will thus be damaged or killed. In theory, vitamin C will, therefore, work selectively as an oxidant and can be used in treating many types of cancer and other conditions, such as arthritis, in which inflammation is a factor.

Most of the research on this therapy is coming out of the human field, with the Riordan clinic in Texas and Kansas University doing most of the work. A few veterinary clinics have been using this modality extensively for long periods, and we’ve been working with them to develop our protocols at the Integrative Veterinary Center of Richmond.

Clinically, we cannot guarantee that tumors will shrink or organs in failure will improve. However, we expect that virtually all our patients will feel better from the therapy as it provides intense detoxification. In cases of cancer, it is most effective in the early stages of the disease. Severe arthritis and other conditions can also be effectively treated.

At the Integrative Veterinary Center of Richmond, we do not use this as a stand-alone therapy for most disease processes but as an essential part of treatment that can work with our other modalities to significantly improve the quality of life for many patients. 

Ask us for more information about Vitamin C Therapy today!